Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Well deserved respect

anyone seen the Lex paper ratings this week. if you havent, Lincoln cracked the top 25 in the state and is ranked 9 in 5A. I am still not sure that we are at that level, especially with the injury to Bustle. but it is good publicity for the kids. just like UK it is harder to stay in rankings than to get there initially. all the more reason to see the kids working hard.
I wonder if the AD MESS would rank us in the top 25 in the state. they still think that we are not in the top 5 in the area.
also, with the week off from football, could our administrator (or anyone with info) get us some updates on other sports happenings at LC. know that we have 2 very good runners in cross country (Wilkinson (boys) and Frith(girls)), and Jordan Hogue seems to be having a great year in golf. I love HS football, but for this to truly be "Patriots" sports talk, we should recognize as many of the athletes as possible, especially when they are bringing good publicity to our school.
Maybe we should invite these athletes to join the blog and keep us up to date on how their seasons are going.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know Lincoln had a cross country team. I know they don't have a track team, they wouldn't have anywhere to run.

runriot said...

Remember how bad the baseball and softball fields used to be. Look at them now. Look at the new soccer field. I believe that we need to start putting pressure on the school to get a new track.
check the school roster and you will find that kids that are involved in extra activities are by and large better students (academically and socially). Not everyone wants to play basketball and football. Lets give all of our athletes good facilities.
pressure and support from the community can make this happen.

Anonymous said...

Bids have already been taken for a new track and the other field events. I agree, we are blessed with great facilities but they could be better.

Anonymous said...

I think the bid was rejected by the board as being too much money. They have however found the money to put chair back seats in the gym.

Anonymous said...

I heard the bid was outrageous. Maybe some in-depth research should be done on how to replace or fix the track. I seriously doubt any research was done at all and that it was a "shoot from the hip" type of bid process.

runriot said...

If they put chairback seats in the gym instead of fixing the track or putting a parking lot close to the soccer field, then the public should let them know that we do not appreciate it. Basketball teams are doing great, but lets share the wealth.
How bout putting parking lot down where the tailgating party was, and let people pay to park there to offset the cost?
School board likes to do what they think makes people happy, without getting input. part of the reason much of the community has such low view of them.

Anonymous said...

The improvement on the baseball field have been done by the baseball boosters, not the board. The board did pay for the softball field, spent about 80 grand on a field that does not belong to the school system. That field and park belongs to the County. The only reason that the softball field was fixed KHSAA forced them to do it. Title IX you know. The board knew for several years that they had a problem with KHSAA over girls softball but did nothing to correct the problems.They were forced to spend money in a hurry,on a field that did not belong to the school system, because KHSAA was going to stop all LC sports team from playing,if they did not correct the problem.

Anonymous said...

if we are going to have sports programs, lets get proper facilities, and if we cant have facilities, then lets drop the sport. simple. if basketball and football and baseball and softball are all that matter, then just do those and forget the rest. otherwise, lets do our best to have good facilities and at the very least safe facilities (which our track is not).
also, why did we spend so much on a soccer field? could we not play soccer on the football field, and use the money better?

hazmit said...

This site is open to talk about any sporting event out there. I would love for anyone with inside information about the golf, track, baseball, softball, etc. to write a blog about it. Anyone who has permission to write can invite others as well, all you need is that person's email and set them up the same way you started. I want this site to be a venue for all patriot sports, so I don't want to limit the possibilities. I will work on getting more info about other sports and I ask everyone else to do the same.
I agree that our facilities need some improvement. Let's all work together and voice our concerns with the administation and school board every chance we get. Soccer is growing and the teams are improving so I think they needed their own field. Football fields that get soccer played on them usually get in bad shape, but that could just be a maintenance issue. But that's over, we have soccer fields so let's worry about things that we can change...the track is in horrible shape. I think the whole thing is a problem with master planning. We don't look at the big picture and think campus wide, we only think about what the problems are today. That's when you get knee jerk reactions and shoot from the hip fixes. Let's all do our part to get more involved with decisions that affect our kids.

black3 said...

...congrats to Lindsey Rankin qualifying for state tournament in golf....

BS said...

It is not always the school board's fault. What got LC in trouble was the athletic departments inability to adapt to title IX in the 90's. LC got itself into bad shape.

As far as the school board in concerned, there are far worse problems than sports in the Lincoln County school system. It is one of the worse in the state as far as education goes. They are far more worried about that right now, and should be.

It is sad when students from other schools taunt LC because of their embarassing test scores.

The community needs to stop pointing fingers and think about the big picture. School is for learning and education first. Get that done, and then sports can get better.

Anonymous said...

since you all are such huge track supporters i expect to see you at some meets this year......gimme a break. quit pointing fingers just to be pointing fingers.

summertime k.wood said...

Congrats to Lindsey Rankin and Jordan Hogue for qualifying for the state golf tournament. Lindsey shot 75 at Old Bridge and finished 3rd in the region (I think it was Old Bridge) and Jordan shot 71 at Dix River and placed 2nd in the region. I once shot 71 at Dix River, but I quit after 14 holes.

runriot said...

I know that LCHS has bigger problems than sports. But statistics will prove that students who are involved in things like sports, band, chorus, drama plays, and other extra activities do better in school. We need to make our programs better to get more students involved. I do spend lots of time trying to make Lincoln (schools and county) better and I brag everywhere I go about how great we are and can be.
As for the soccer field, I was making a point that we could have used the money on the track and played soccer on the football field. any grass should be able to hold up to more than one game per week (6 or 8 weeks out of the year). I believe that when some local schools were winning lots of state champioships in football, they were also winning lots of districts and regionals in soccer, and YES they were playing on the same field.
Lets spend our money wisely, and do things in the proper order and do things which help the most children and the most programs.
I dont point fingers, but I will call attention to things that are plain dumb. I cannot run for schoolboard because I have family that works for the system. But I will not let that keep me from trying to do things in other ways to make our system better.

hazmit said...

I think we need to get our sports programs in top shape, the grades will come. Other schools will not make fun of us if they know we can kick their butts at any sport. More chicks love Tom Brady than Bill Gates anyway.