Friday, September 14, 2007

Best Lincoln Linebackers

Let's go boys, I love what JL has started. Who's the best LB's? I'll start the list with Chris Vanhook...who's next?


BS said...

the kid on last years team, Jacob Elliot, was pretty tough.

hazmit said...

Tony Irvin '90. Went to Georgetown and got injured, still got a national champion ring.

kitchenutensil said...

Joey Smith. He may not have been the fastest or the strongest ever, but he had a nose for the football and was just crazy. I'll be he got as much out of what he had on the field each week as anybody ever.

Anonymous said...

Kenny Chambers - KY State
Donald McCormick - Georgetown
Chris Vanhook
Very good LB's

Anonymous said...

Dont know about single best, but the four of Tony Irvin, Chris Hendrickson, Adam Hopkins and Chris Vanhook were the best group that I ever saw play on the field at one time.

Jon Logan said...

I agree with all the names mentioned and I add Jason Sims.

Also, how about Courtney Brower? David Bird? Troy Coleman?

Anonymous said...

David Bird and Troy Coleman.. Played on the 88 team that went 13-1.