Thursday, September 13, 2007

Best Player's All Time (Quarterbacks)

My opinion:

Ronnie Wilkerson
Scott Montgomery
Jason Todd

That is the short list and doesn't have a player from the last 20 years. Who am I missing?


Anonymous said...

Kevin Deatherage or Clayton Davis. Toss up to me

Anonymous said...

You can make fun if you wish, but Clayton Davis did QB his team to the region finals in 1999 and had almost 1000 yds plassing that year.

Anonymous said...

Rodney Hester has to be on the list. OB'd probably the best team ever at LC. Street Spoonamore would have made the list if it wasn't for a season ending knee injury in 1998.

Anonymous said...

Jason Todd?? You've got to be kidding me. Punter....yes...QB..not even in the top 10 ever to play.

hazmit said...

What about J Smith?

white barn said...

I liked Jay Smith and Woods Adams.

BS said...

what about Jermaine

Anonymous said...

I agree, J and Jermaine should be both on the list.

Jon Logan said...

J Smith and Jermaine Wilkinson (Carpenter at one point) should be on the list.

As for Jason Todd, I am not kidding. Jason Todd won 25 games as a starter at quarterback. What LC quarterback won more game?

black3 said...

...Eric Givens....

Anonymous said...

Rodney Hester. Could do it all. Played for the best team ever at Lincoln.

Anonymous said...

Funny how no one gives Levi credit. Guess we can just say Ryan Young and Noah, even though they dont play QB we might as well add them.