Sunday, October 14, 2007

Patriots stone Stonebreaker and the Lions 35-0

Lincoln got off to a relatively slow start Friday night, but put it all together in the second half to destroy the Garrard Golden Lions 35-0 in Death Valley. The offense played decent throughout the game with Levi leading and guiding the team better than I have seen him do all year. The passing game was a little off with Keeton and Young not making much noise but Josh Foister did make some great grabs. Everyone ran the ball well with Brummett leading the charge with 112 yards. All five TDs came on the ground with Brummett, Spicer, Rogers, Edwards all getting into the paint. Lincoln's black shirt defense had 2 interceptions from Young and Rogers and a safety, and everyone on defense left it all on the field once again to pitch their first shut-out of the season. I hope this carries over to next week and our boys get a much deserved first place finish in the district. Great job guys and good luck next week.

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