Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another 1000 Point Scorer

Ethan Spurlin went over the 1000 point (career) scoring mark Tuesday night in Stanford. Spurlin is the fourth player in the last two seasons to do so. Last year, Ryan Young, Noah Keeton and Daniel Ralston all joined the 1000 pt club. It is hard to believe one team produced four 1000 pt scorers. It is rare to see four 1000 pt scorers in the same starting lineup.


Anonymous said...

How many 1000 point scorers has Lincoln County had in its history. The ones I know of are: Tommy Owsley, Keith Withrow, Ryan Young, Noah Keeton, Daniel Ralston and Ethan Spurlin.

Anonymous said...

hagen williams..not sure who else from the guy side

Anonymous said...

it was sad when the announcement was made at the game and only 8-10people stood up to clap, ethan is probably the best all around player lincoln has ever had, he can play every position on the floor!

Anonymous said...

I doubt that...He is a good player, but he has had the luxury of being able to shoot the ball 20 times a game..Alot of kids will put up big numbers with that opportunity, But he is a solid player

Anonymous said...

They need to get a banner with all the names of the 1000 point scorers names. Every school does this, and its sad the LC does not

Anonymous said...

As for the banner:

This is something the booster club should be doing. I don't think it would be the responsibility of the school to fund something like this. Especially the way the state budget is right now.

The booster clubs in Lincoln County are pitiful.

Anonymous said...

the booster club does not buy the large pictures hanging on the walls for region champs or the banners, why should they have to buy 1,000 pt. club banner? there is plenty of money brought into the athletic fund from basketball, spend some of it for the banner! i don't think the booster clubs are pitiful, it the people who don't support them that are pitiful! everyone wants everything, but do little to contribute!

Anonymous said...

ryan young put up at least 20 shots a game also......

Anonymous said...

If what I am thinking is true there have only been (6) 1000 point scorers at Lincoln County Williams, Withrow, Young, Keeton, Ralston, and Spurlin. With 4 of these being within the last 2 years we should be celebrating instead of cutting kids down for the number of shots taken. I would much rather Ethan or Ryan take 20 shots and us win that them not and us lose.

Anonymous said...

i think it would be hard pressed for you to find a game that ryan shot 20 times in...the only 30 point game in his career he only took 14 shots..sounds like your assessment is wrong

Anonymous said...

You need to know what you are talking about before you get on here and put your foot in your mouth. the girls boosters spent 20,000+ on there program alone this year alone.

Anonymous said...

we need a banner with the 1000 pt scorers..its embarrasing that we don't, thats an incredible accomplishment

Anonymous said...

20,000 on what, the Disneyland vacation....????

Anonymous said...

i agree, there is are so many negative comments made, we should be proud of every kid who competes whether they score 1,000 points or not, at least they are trying and not sitting around doing nothing, there is tremendous commitment in playing any sport!!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Ryan Young led the team and area in assist last year, he also led the team in assists his Junior Year. Not bad for a guy who scored 1000+ for The Lincoln County Patriots. By his assists that he dished out he helped the other three that reached the 1000 point status the last 2 years.

BS said...

People should be excited about Patriot basketball, girls and boys. They are on fire. I have really enjoyed this past few seasons.

I have nothing but respect for all the members in the 1000 pt club. That is a great accomplishment, especially to have four play together.

Anonymous said...

there used to be names on the wall but they got painted over. yes the trip and travel suites,shoes bags,etc. we will take a donation if you would like to wright us a check.O that would mean that we would know who you are.

Anonymous said...

wright or write???

BS said...

I would reccomend taking the idea of honoring the 1000pt scorers to the Athletic Director. This seems like something that he would be in charge of doing.

Anonymous said...

His son is one of them an he won't even put a banner up

Anonymous said...

they used to have this painted on the wall..congrats to Ethan, i think he is the best player from LC in recent years. B/c now teams are teaming more up on him because there are less options and he still puts up the numbers. Withrow was the best gaurd at LC that i have seen in my time..he just didn't care, but he also didn't try, and was still effective. And yes Hagen williams also scored 1000 at lincoln in 3 years before going to Casey.

hazmit said...

1000 points is impressive. Anyone who did it should be mentioned with nothing but respect. Withrow was the best, just never applied himself. I think all of them should be honored with a banner. Go to the athletic director and tell him the next time you see him, if he doesn't act, then take it to the school board. Wasn't there a girl who scored 1000 also??? Maggie Cox maybe???

Anonymous said...

Not taking anything away from Ethan because he is an outstanding player but I dont know about being the best. With last years team there were 3 maybe 4 main players that were consistent with there points and shot attempts. This year most of the load is going to Spurlin. Edgington needs to step up and start taking more shots. Lincoln is gonna need everyone scoring if they want to make a big run into the playoffs. As far as the banner goes i agree 100%. The AD's son is a memeber shouldnt he be wanting it? But congratulations to Ethan

Anonymous said...

hazmit..i think there was a few girls that scored 1000...Cassandra Peek i know..i think rebecca may, and wasn't there someone with the last name Board?

Anonymous said...

It is really sad that these kids are not recognized. I have noticed at the middle school it is the same thing. Look at the 8th grade team and all that they have accomplished.

I hope that we will see a banner within the next year with all of the 1000 point members.