Craig Yeast will be the new offensive coordinator for Lincoln County. He was a member of the staff last year, he will be running the offense this year. Just think about how good those UK glory days were with Couch and Yeast. I would like to see LC run pass happy offense...
Congrats to Coach Yeast.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
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Yeast is an great guy, I'm glad he got an opportunity. He is exciting and expects nothing but greatness from his players. I look forward to seeing what he has to offer.
You build your Offense around the players you have on the team/.
and that was not done last year
You are only as good as tomorrow not yesterday.
This is HUGE MISTAKE!! I know many parents and players who are upset about this, they assumed he would be gone.
He does not treat the players with respect, all he does is put them down and the language he uses is embarassing. I am floored by this news.
Soft soft players, need to grow up and the parents need to let them.
What about the defense?? Worst is school history, stats prove it.
A huge mistake? He's the only one besides settles Leffew and singleton on the new staff that know anything about football. Had he been the OC last year then the Pats may have been a fun team to watch instead of running the 3 back wishbone. The plays that LC ran out of the shotgun I can assure you he called those plays. He might not use the best language but grow up, it isn't cheerleading.
i don't think settles knows very much about football, especially defense!!!
If you don't like the way Coach Yeast goes about his business... Then take your kid and leave! This is rediculous. We have a coaching staff with college and professional experience. Maybe more than any team in the state of KY. If Lincoln Co. can provide more than 10-15 kids that are willing to work hard 5-6 days a week until football season then we might just have a team to be proud of.
You parents need to STAY OUT OF IT! Let the kid practice and play without coming home to... "your coach don't know sh*t" or whatever you say to them when they get home from games/practices.
Be a fund raisor and a supporter. Understand that your sons have a golden opportunity to learn from people who have been where your boys are trying to go.
Sit back and try to enjoy it. Just my 2 cents.
that professional experience did not get lincoln football anywhere last year and it won't be any better this year
You are right. It is always the Coaches fault when you lose and the Kids are the reason that we win.
Some of you guys on here are unbeleivable. If you could only take a step back and listen to what you are saying.
We had injuries galore last season and we lost a very good senior class 2 consecutive seasons.
The talent just wasn't there last season coupled with the injuries.
and both senior classes had good juniors to play right with them or they would not have been successful!
One thing that last years team did not have... A supporting cast of juniors like 06&07 did
One thing last years team didn't have... talent. Come on people, get serious. A 5a team with less than 30 kids dressing??? That's crazy, the team had 4 or 5 good players. That's it. No speed, no sized, no depth. That = BAD.
It had nothing to do with coaching, Pete Carrol could not of won with that roster.
your team is only as good as its leaders!!!
Yeast???? Why didn't he go to Mercer Co or Danville or UK ???? THEY DID NOT WANT HIM!!!!! Wish my High School Coach had 2 ear rings, talked on a Cellphone all the time... Bad move for Lincoln Football. People forget that Players from Danville and Hogtown think people from Lincoln are REDNECKS.... They hate Lincoln Football.
mercer is way more redneck
guarantee you larry french could have achieved a .500 record with those kids. think of the games that if we had any defensive coordinator whatsoever we could have won.. washington co, tates creek, southwestern, hoptown, we were in every one of those games but after halftime the coach failed to make any adjustments when the other team did. heck even mike edwards knew the correct adjustments to make at halftime but we wanted to stick with what we did in the previous half and man did it ever pay off
Yeast is a great coach from what I have seen and let me tell you I am a mom who does not like her son to be yelled at by anyone but when the coaching staff yells to make him a better player then all of you candy a** so called football fans should just go to another county and to your cheerful dispositions with you because our boys can be and will be a great team and they don't need anyone spewing ugliness for them and the coaching staff this year at all and I expect the same curtiousy from this wedsite for the football team and it's staff as they give the basketball team!!!! A PROUD
i wish we could get some old has-been middle-aged ex-football players from the "L Enough Said" era to coach our team. yeah they would make great assistant coaches. i mean, they would definitely talk sweet to our football players. that's what i would like to see.
When exactly was the "L Enough Said" era? If I remember correctly that would have been around '93 when we had Jeremy who was Mr. Football. Who on that team would make a great coach? And what do you mean by sweet talking the football players?
And by middle age ex-football-players I am guessing if it was '93 as I remember then you are saying that 30 is middle aged???
Lincoln County fans are a bunch of babies, that's why the football team ain't no GOOD!!!
well if your son is coming home and telling you what happens on the football field, then he needs to stay home with his mommy!!!!!!!!
Wow... I can't believe some of these comments. I had never heard so many boys whinning and crying like last year. Lincoln did not have a good team last year. French knew it and that is why he left.
I look forward to the new program with Settles and all of his coaching staff. Good luck Coach you have our support.
After putting up with Tim Jackson's verbal abuse for the past two years... (Including the incident in the boys locker room with a boy last year where he held him by the throat against a wall) I know the 8th graders are ready to play at the high school for Coach Settles and Craig Yeast.
Being a former middle school player's mother and now a high school players's mother don't think that Craig Yeast is any better than Tim Jackson after seeing him last year. I personally would like to see him gone.
well maybe your son should just give up before he gets started because this isn't middle school any more and there comes a time that these boys have to man up and grow up and us moms have to step back and just whatch as long as the coaches keep their hands to themselves (jackson) because they are really just trying to make them better players and people these boys do respect all the coaches whether we as parents do are not and if you don't want your child to then there is no place on the team as parents for you. so don't bring your negativeity to highschool we already have more than enough.
I am interested in the new football program and where it is going to go. Last year was an embarrassment for the coaches and for LCHS. Of course there was a lot of frustration on both sides. If your son can not handle the pressure of a coach yelling at them maybe they need to find another sport.....
there are no players for this coming year, 6-7 seniors won't get it and settles proved alot of things last year, he knows nothing about defense and gave up last year, the players knew that, you can not build a team around 1 player......
There seems to be ALOT of football coaches on this site. If you all are such great coaches then why didn't you try for the job? Exactly you aren't a coach so why don't you leave it to yourself and let the coaches coach and let the young men play the game and that's what it is a game. Like one of the person already said we have one of the most talented staff in the state so let them do their jobs. I think they are already under alot of pressure without parents giving their 2 cents worth. Be a parent support your son and help the football boosters raise money and help the team. I know one thing the high school has to be better than middle school. Even little league that my son played in at Garrard Co. was better than middle school under Dean Jones. That's where the coaching change needs to be made so they are better players when they move to the high school level and they are prepared for high school alittle better. Why do you think Boyle, Danville, Pulaski, Rockcastle and those schools are so good? Their middle schools are GOOD!! Enough said!!
Thank you
Let's see:
Settles-Kentucky High school coach of the year
Yeast-one of the top five wr's in the history of the SEC. Not to mention time with the Bengals and the CFl.
Lefew-played at UofL.
Wilks-played at UK
Man, those guys probably don't anything about coaching....
I don't blame them for being frustrated last year.... did you see what they had to work with? Soft soft soft... besides all the injuries.
I have talked to kids from settles old school and parents... we are really lucky to have him and I can not wait to see where this talented group of coaches will take Lincoln.
It isn't going to happen over night. They have a lot to teach and work on.
Give them a chance people. You will be the same ones praising the ground they walk on when we have the next winning team.
i have known coach yeast for alot of years went to same highschool had the same highschool coach my son likes all the coaching staff there hardnose thats whats this program needs me myself i do not think there hard enough on them if you can not handle it or your sissy a;; son can not handle keep them at home we do not need people like you there at practice or at games when these kids start winning then you will want to jump on the bandwagon they do not need people like you now and sure they want need you then so just you and your wimpy son stay at home these coachs are heading in the righy direction keep up the good work coaches great job yell a little louder make the mommas boy cry!!!
i have known coach yeast for alot of years went to same highschool had the same highschool coach my son likes all the coaching staff there hardnose thats whats this program needs me myself i do not think there hard enough on them if you can not handle it or your sissy a;; son can not handle keep them at home we do not need people like you there at practice or at games when these kids start winning then you will want to jump on the bandwagon they do not need people like you now and sure they want need you then so just you and your wimpy son stay at home these coachs are heading in the righy direction keep up the good work coaches great job yell a little louder make the mommas boy cry!!!
guess lincoln will not have any players on the team next year. how would you like to go practice everyday (remember this is high school and not college or pros) and get told you are terrible and get cussed out. if it were me I would quit and i am not a quitter. if someone tells me EVERYDAY that we are terrible and will never win a game then why play. good luck lincoln coaches, you will have no one to coach thanks to yeast
Whatever... Why don't you guys quit then. Give lincoln a year to rebuild without all the crybabies and their mommies. This getting old and embarrassing for Lincoln!
I can see the posts now... I quit because my coaches yelled and cussed at me. I was down there for quite a few practices last year because my son played middle school... it is funny how many high school boys were cussing. They would get water from the water boys (who were little boys) and a young lady and still be cussing. Yeah... I am sure they said a lot worse things then the coaches...
I guess that is why you didn't win many games last year. A player from the other team called you terrible and it hurt your feelings and you couldn't play any more.
oh my gosh you all are just abunch of sissy the cheerleaders put up with alot more maybe you are hering what I here when I go to practice but the players say more bad words than the coaching staff come on stay home and let these boys grow up any thing in life worth achiving is worth working hard for oh let me guess you probably are one of those people who live off the goverment and my hard earned taxed dollars right
I'm a football player at the high school and believe that the coaching staff is better than I have ever been coached under. So please support us we're the ones playin not you.
You definately have my families support! My son will be playing at the high school this coming season.
the players and coaching staff definately have my families support and prayers for healthy and safe season our son plays.
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