Sunday, February 8, 2009


Everyone make there best effort to get to the game tomorrow night in Stanford between LC and Garrard County. This is the makeup game for the scoreboard game, and is a VERY BIG game. The winner will be in the driver seat for the district 1 seed. Garrard will actually be the 1 seed if they win, we won't have to worry about that happening though.

Seriously, it's free admission. No reason not to go, probably the two best teams in the 12th region. The Pats need to bring it, because Garrard whipped us over in Lancaster, it's payback time!!!

Wear red, get there early, and be loud.


Anonymous said...

the crowds have not been vocal this year, we need to make noise!!

Anonymous said...

They are also having the thing in Memory of Tom Hurt tonight. For anyone who did not know Tom Hurt you really missed out, first class guy who was never anything but supportive of the Patriots. Before he came to Lincoln in 2004 he was with Garrard for many years. I know all of us out at Patriot Sports really miss him.