Monday, June 15, 2009

Skills Camp

It's not too to participate in the Tim Couch and Craig Yeast Skills Camp. The first camp was held last week in Rockcastle County. The next camp will be held in Pikeville at the high school field. This camp is for skill players on the offensive and defensive side of the ball.



Anonymous said...

Why wasn't the camp not held in Lincoln Co? Could be a great way to raise money for the program..

Anonymous said...

I think it was organized by a different group that probably determined where the even was held at.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they are trying to raise money for Lincoln County here. more for Tim and Craig to pad their wallets. There is nothing wrong with that either.

BS said...

Actually they are doing it for Operation Unite.

Paula said...

My son went to that camp and it was to benefit Operation Unite, they talked to the young men about the importance of education, keeping your grades up and also about staying off drugs and alcohol. They of course learned different aspects of different positions on the field.

Anyone that didn't have a son at the camp or knew anything about it shouldn't be saying anything until they actually know why it was held where it was held. I can't believe you all just look for things to down someone about. I for one and getting REALLY sick of it, and you all talk before you even know what's going on that's the sad part about everything!

I would be willing to say that if Jesus Christ walked up to you people doing all this bad talk about the coaches and stuff, you would have something bad to say about him, I think you all need to do some growing up yourselves and stop all this bad talk on here, it's the best interest of the young men playing football!

Anonymous said...

100% of the money goes to Operation Unite, or a "portion of the proceeds?"

Anonymous said...

I really don't think no one was talking bad about the camp, they was just wondering why it was not held at Lincoln. So maybe you need to grow up because you might no know what you are talking about... Go Pats..

Anonymous said...

The boys look good yesterday at the 7 on 7 in Frankfort.

Wayne Hinds

Anonymous said...

The camp was not held in Lincoln County because Operation Unite is an organization based out of Eastern Kentucky. All their state funding comes from Congressman Hal Rodgers in the 5th district which starts in Rockcastle County. As a result of that they are restricted in the areas to where they can have events. with the help of Tim Couch and Craig Yeast they are trying to get other congressional districts involved with this cause in order to expannd their message statewide. Most of the proceeds are going towards funding their youth programs and services, some goes towards equiptment and coaches that helped. Tim and Craig make little to nothing for the camp. Check out Operation Unites website at
if you want a camp like that in Lincoln County i suggest you do some research and see how you can make it happen.

Anonymous said...

What teams was at Franfort?

Anonymous said...

Franfort, Anderson, and I think Bourbon counties. The boys did a great job last night and I think they host Anderson county this Thursday night. Everyone needs to come on out and watch this they, need to see all the hard work that the boys and the coaching staff have been doing.

Paula Sluder said...

Maybe you need to grow up! I am a grown woman and am tried of the bickering going on on this site about our boys coaches, and in one of the statements someone stated it was Couch and Yeast fattening their pockets and I am getting REALLY tired of those stupid comments when you or whomever it was didn't know yourselves. If you had you wouldn't have asked and another thing why don't you say this stuff to my face and let me know who you are instead of hiding? I am not here to bash a coach or anyone else but it seems you want to jump everyone that takes up for Coach Yeast and the rest of the coaches when you should just be supporting the WHOLE football team!! Thanks!

I am very proud that the boys did great yesterday just shows they are working hard and so are the coaching staff. GO PATRIOTS!!

Anonymous said...

Who was the best team there? Someone said Anderson Co. looked really good..

BS said...

Anderson should be very strong again this year. They've had two really good seasons.

I think Lincoln will be hosting them for a scrimmage the year.

Anonymous said...

Agree, Lincoln will have a 7 to 8 win season this year. Man! then next year ( WOW ) maybe better then 07-08 teams..Could be one of the best teams to come out of Lincoln Co since the early 90's. The coaches are doing a great job this year,I can't wait until the season starts.

Anonymous said...

Hold up, better than 07-08 is a stretch and better than the state teams is crazy talk. Need to focus on .500 again and making the playoffs. I hope you're right though.

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree, the state teams are the best ever to come out of Lincoln Co and for a team to match them would be crazy. A lot of people have forgot how good Lincoln football use to be. 3 Regional Champships in 6 years. 63 wins with 17 losses in those 6 years. And don't forget back then only 2 teams from each District made the playoffs. I hope Lincoln football can get back to the top because teams use to hate to come to the Valley!! Players need to listen to Jim Duff's song called Lincoln Pride..Its got a great meaning..

Anonymous said...

my boy plays football and has alot of lincoln pride they have worked harder than ever this year they are looking good right now and there confidence growing so please no more negative comments they need your support they will have a good season this year as long injuries hold off coach yeast is doing a great job with them not just coach yeast but the whole coaching staff keep up the good work and bring the wins home

Anonymous said...

my boy plays football and has alot of lincoln pride they have worked harder than ever this year they are looking good right now and there confidence growing so please no more negative comments they need your support they will have a good season this year as long injuries hold off coach yeast is doing a great job with them not just coach yeast but the whole coaching staff keep up the good work and bring the wins home

Paula Sluder said...

The boys looked pretty darn good against Marion Co. yesterday in the 7 on 7! The freshmen didn't do too bad either! Keep up the great work guys and don't listen to the negative garb on here! GO PATRIOTS!!!

Anonymous said...

Heard the state is trying to do away with 2 adays... What is the world coming to?

Anonymous said...

I heard Anderson County looked good in 7 on 7. Hard they whipped everyone there.

Anonymous said...

Anderson did look good, But Lincoln held its own. They didn't whip Lincoln. We scored on them, I think it was two or three times. And would have scored more if we would have caught the ball more. I can say this that the whole grope is improving ever day.
I GOT LINCOLN PRIDE. What you got?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm sure if the recievers were better then the QB might look better. LOL! It isn't all on the receivers.

Anonymous said...

(I'm sure if the recievers were better then the QB might look better. LOL! It isn't all on the receivers.) what's that supposed mean this QB is fairly new and only got to backup QB alittle last year so how do you know that the QB isn't good? Are you a fortune teller or a comedian?

Anonymous said...

Well if you were at the the marion county scrimage you would have seen a great show from QB austin hinds and two recievers Matt carrier and ryan west both made some alsome plays these three kids got something special.

Anonymous said...

It won't matter if the defense isn't any better this year.

Anonymous said...

I thought Carrier was going to be a running back? Someone said that Coach Settles has not been at practice for 2 weeks. What is going on there? Dead period doesn't start until next week..

Anonymous said...

(I'm sure if the recievers were better then the QB might look better. LOL! It isn't all on the receivers.) Ok I thought this was a negative comment my bad I was at the Marion County game and yes they did look good. We are at Boyle county tommorrow night @6:00.
Coach Settles will be back after dead period he got married and is out of town.

Anonymous said...

Great timing on the Weding!

Anonymous said...

Actually the defense has been looking good as well as the offense. The defense had 3 int's against marion and they only scored once or twice on us.

Anonymous said...

You can hide a lot of weakness' in the 7 on 7 drills. When you get 11 out there and some of them are inexperienced there will be plenty of problems this season, and probably next season.

Anonymous said...

NO all the 11 starters got plenty of experience last year everyone of them lettered last year. However they were inexperienced last year because the year before they only had 2 jv games and most them didn't get any play time but the 08 season the jv went 5-5.

Anonymous said...

I agree, How can Coach Settles expect the players to be at ever practice when he has been gone for 2 weeks? Why didn't he get married over the dead period? The head coach should be at ever pratice. But if parents don't care, then I guess it is ok.

Anonymous said...

Coach Settles missed last thursday only. He got married saturday. left for his honeymoon on sunday. Settles has put a great staff around him and that's what assistants are for. Is negative all you can be? Is your life that bad? Settles rest of coaching staff and especially the kids are working their tales off to get better. be positive and support them or don't say anything at all...

Anonymous said...

settles wasn't there last summer either, not being negative, sometimes the truth hurts!

Anonymous said...

Why do you think everything thing is negative, when someone says what they think that does not mean they are being negative. Sounds to me that you want people to say negative things. I agree that the Head coach needs to be at every practice, Thats not being negative.

Anonymous said...

stinkin linkin

Anonymous said...

This is not negative, but we got killed at Boyle.

Anonymous said...

what other teams were at boyle?

Anonymous said...

why isn't anyone talking about the 7 on 7 at boyle the other night?

Anonymous said...

Because no news is Bad News... It was really bad over there the other night.So who do you blame????And if a person says something then all these parents thinks its being Negative. I wonder what Coach Settles thought about it, "Oh" he was not there..

Anonymous said...

7 on 7 at Boyle was not that good, but this grope of kids always have a hard time with Boyle???? The Anderson Co kids were better than Boyle and we did better job with Anderson Co, But we did have some kids out. I think we will be OK.

Anonymous said...

Someone give some details, how bad was it over there. Of course, that's two pretty dag on good teams in Boyle and Anderson.

Anonymous said...

My son is a receiver for Boyle. I think your QB did a good job he only had two bad passes, your receivers just didn't get open or would dropped good balls. But to tell you the truth I was surprised how good Lincoln did look. Your D look better than other teams we have played in 7 of 7. I think Lincoln will do OK this year.

Anonymous said...

Ok,our D never did slow Boyle up. But you are right, we might have a better record then you guys. 8-9 wins. Boyle has always been Lincoln's little brother in football.

stacy said...

My son hasn't had a chance to be with the football team. He is playing travel baseball right now. There are other kids that will be joining the football team after July 15th. I can't wait to see what the year brings!!

stacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I love it how for some reason you people always blame the recievers, the 7 on 7 at boyle was a team effort and lincoln only had one touchdown.

Anonymous said...

"I love it how for some reason you people always blame the recievers, the 7 on 7 at boyle was a team effort and lincoln only had one touchdown."

Like I said your receivers drop some good balls, that happens! our D was playing them tuff, I was giving your team a that aboy, But buy reading most of the post on Lincoln Football, you guys need to come together and support you Kids, coaching staff, and from what I have been told your booster could need some help. I will say again "I think Lincoln will be OK this year". Good God,I know why French came to Boyle.

Anonymous said...

Lincoln is still a very young team the team will consist of 4-5 seniors the rest will be juniors and sophmores so yea lincoln is still developing very quickly i think they will be fun to watch this up coming season.

Anonymous said...

As for the, "I know why French went to Boyle County" comment. I do too, dolla dolla bills.....

Didn't get the Rebels any further than the he got the Pats either!

Anonymous said...

"Didn't get the Rebels any further than the he got the Pats either!"

Larry will get to the big dance and it will be with Boyle.........

Anonymous said...

Stacy, your son is a freshman. No chance he helps the team this seaons or next.

Anonymous said...

weakest schedule lincoln has had in many years, they should be able to win 3 games, i don't think they will win any district games, there just aren't enough players.......this is not a negative comment, i'm proud of the kids who choose to play, there are too many kids not playing that would make a huge difference in lincoln football

Anonymous said...

Boyle needs to worry about Lex Cat.

Anonymous said...

No boyle needs to be worrying about ole dudley hilton..

Anonymous said...

and plus about the numbers each team will only put 11 on the field and i think lincoln wil have about 50 kids after school starts,

Anonymous said...

it really hurts when 11 kids are playing both sides of the ball.

Anonymous said...

We will have 8 or 9 kids play both sides of the ball.

Anonymous said...

Mercer now has a new head coach Bill Mason. Mason, who served as the defensive coordinator under Marty Jaggers is now head coach.

Anonymous said...

There is no way Lincoln will have 50 kids. 35 at the most. Don't forget Lincoln won 1 game lastyear. How many Sr's do they have? 5 OR 6.

Anonymous said...

Well I think the boys that have been lifting since Jan. and haven't missed a practice should and probably will get more playing time than the ones who are NOT showing up even on rainy days when baseball isn't playing. And according to the letter sent out to all the parents a few weeks ago, they better not miss after the dead period, or course all the boys that haven't missed won't miss then either. I am going to feel sorry for those boys that haven't been around yet, because these boys that have been there since Jan will be in MUCH greater shape and they have a list of workouts to do on their own during this dead period that the boys that haven't been there do not have! I just hope a few more freshmen come out and other boys that will mean a bigger freshmen schedule!! and alittle stronger team all together!! GO PATS!!!

Anonymous said...

Lincoln will have 15fresh, 10sof, 15jr's and about 5sr. So I think we will have about 45 kids. Give or take 4 or 5. But we need about 70 kids or more.

Anonymous said...

why do you need 70 kids for? It only takes 11 to play... YES 70 kids look good on the sidelines, but that does not help you win games.

Anonymous said...

22 for Fresh games, 22 for JV games and 22 for Varsity =66 so 70 would be good. Do you know anything about football? 70 Kids for 5A school at least.............

Anonymous said...

Ok, you know so much about football can you name any school in our district that has 70 kids? Lets see, Boyle is not in our district but has around 90 kids but got beat by a team lastyear 'Bell' that had 50 kids. Has Lincoln ever had 70 kids? ...45-50 is a good number for us to be shooting for.

Anonymous said...

I'd say Mercer, Southwestern and Pulaski all have around 60-70 kids.

You need about 15 per class.

Anonymous said...

In the 90's we had 60 to 70.

Anonymous said...

The larger the number the better depth that you can build...

As for the comment about how the kids that have been there BETTER get to play ahead of the other kids. I had to laugh out loud.

The coaches will honestly try to reward the kids that have been there working hard. But, if you think for one second that the kids that haven't been there show up and are more talented than the kids that have... Well, all I can say is these coaches want to win. And THE BEST PLAYERS WILL PLAY.

Anonymous said...

Thats what Coach French did, he let players come out a week before the 1'st game and they played.But your right he won games. Heck if I played I would not go to practice until the week before school, then I would go to pratice only on Thursday. And don't think the players have forgot about what went on 2 years ago.. I know players, not going to name them, but they miss practice all the time. But guess what, they will play on Fridays.I hope I can get a job where I don't have to go to work during the week and still get paid on Friday, Life is Great..

Anonymous said...

That did not happen last year, maybe if it did they would have won more games :)

Anonymous said...

We need to start talking about how many wins Lincoln will have this year. 4 or 5 and that will be a great year.

Anonymous said...

I NEVER said a word about they better get to play above the ones that don't come to practice I said they probably will get to. You can tell right now which ones comes to practice because the ones that have been coming are stronger AND more fit and they seem to know the game more AND the QB's have more arm strength. You can just tell which ones have came to the practices, and you will be able to tell on game nights also by the condition of the players in the 4th quarter too! I think I have said enough. I think you people need to just support the team instead of trying to beat them down all the time like the people from Boyle was trying to give us a compliment and you all didn't even know how to take that from them! You all are a joke! I say GO PATRIOTS and thank you Boyle Co. people!!

Anonymous said...

i know one player who wasn't at football all summer last year and played, in fact he got all of settles attention, oh but settles was there last summer either!

Anonymous said...

I am not a parent, so let me say, I really don't care who practices. Some kids have the natural ability and don't have to practice as much.

That being said, I don't think Lincoln County High School's halls are full of those kids. Most, if not all, need to be at every practice and meeting.

Let's face it folks! The team will probably suck this year again. Just get right with it now, as I have.

Believe me, I hope we win every game, but if you are honest with yourself, you know there isn't much of chance of that happening. If you are being honest with yourself. I am just hoping for a .500 season.

Anonymous said...

LOL, that was a good one. For the person who is thanking Boyle Co people for saying something about Lincoln Football.They have had 3 different coaches in 5 years. Boyles fans forget where they come from..Do we need to bring up all the stuff that went on when Boye was winning under Coach Smith.

Anonymous said...

You people are full of yourselves! If it wasn't for Boyle Co. most of the people in Lincoln Co. wouldn't have a place to work so thank your lucky stars because if you look around Lincoln Co. there isn't anyplace to work! Oh yeah we do have a the school system, a hospital, a few fast food places, a few bank or two and of course our DUMP!! LOL So why shouldn't we thank the people of Boyle Co.?? If it wasn't for the other counties around us we wouldn't have places to work and provide money for our kids to play sports in this county!! I laugh everytime I read this stuff on here because you people are a joke and should just shut your mouths and just support these boys and coaching staff and see what happens and not be so quick to judge! (Judge not least ye be judged)! I would hate for you all to be my judge that's for sure you would hang someone without even hearing or seeing all the facts and that's what you are doing to this years team without them even hitting the field!!! I feel so sorry for you all!! GO PATRIOTS!!!

Anonymous said...

and boyle co uses lincoln co tax dollars for all the above things mentioned.....

Anonymous said...

You are so stupid you have to pay it here too and you wouldn't have a job either so you loose if you don't have a job you wouldn't have nothing without a job and besides Lincoln takes it out and when people don't even work in this county that's the sad part about it you are taxed to death in this state! That's beside the point the point is too many people on this site are bad mouthing this football team when they haven't even touched the field and that's a dirty shame and everyone that has done that should be ashamed of themselves!! They should give those boys and coaching staff a REAL chance and more than 1 or 2 years to get a team together and show what some of these boys can do and leave them alone!! I for one will be there cheering them on and will be there no matter what!! I cheered the band on and they haven't had a winning band in too many years to count and won't if they keep the band director that they have because he won't even practice the band but one day a week and winning bands practice every day for hours but you don't hear anyone talking about that do you?? NOPE and you won't because no one cares about that and they should care!!GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This site needs to be shut down because people can not handle the truth. Go to bluegrass preps and read their stuff. As for the guy sucking up to Boyle, man you need to move over there..

Anonymous said...

i am really getting tired of the comments you are posting just to let you know your younger son gave you away at a booster club meeting we like your son thank god he is more of a man than you will ever be so eather shut up or the coaches will know who you are to and by the way i want to thank the parents that are helping and supporting these kids and coaches and i do not care what counnty they are from maybe if these boys had the support other teams have around the state lincoln would be a more possitive place to raise our kids my son went through a lot just to stay at lincoln this year he has alot of lincoln pride and loves this team he said they are like brothers and maybe you can learn something from the kids and grow up and i want to thank the hinds family for everthing they have done for my son and me your great paole god bless you all

Anonymous said...

ignorance is amazing!

Anonymous said...

I agree..

Anonymous said...

Yeah ignorance is REALLY amazing because it show what a person is and what they are and you my dear friend are ignorant because I am NOT a man so you are really ignorant!! LOL and I support my football team and ALL of Lincoln's teams unlike you! GO PATRIOTS!!! Now can you just stop all this stupid crazy ignorant bashing of Lincoln football and just give these boys and coaches a chance to do something with this team and support this program? If you can't then stop doing this and leave them alone!!!

Anonymous said...

please stop the arguing let these young men enjoy this season give them a chance to prove there self they have a lot of pride and think they have something to prove now they are using the negative comments as motivation so please just support them they need everybodies support if you do not like the it is going then just stay at home this team has a long hill to climb but with everybodies support they will suprise everyone just support go patriots

Anonymous said...

thank you GO PATS!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

GO PATS! They start back Monday and they will start back good and strong!! I love football and I am going to love this season!! All you boys and coaches will be in my prayers to have a safe and great season!! And you will as long as you remember who keeps you on that field!!

Anonymous said...

there self and everybodies? please, if you can not spell do not post comments on here, that is one reason why lincoln gets made fun of....

Anonymous said...

you my dear lady are nothing but a trouble maker you need to support or just stay off here all you want to do is to put somebody down worry about your stupid life maybe your son will have more common sence than you will ever have i hope the coaches can help him

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!! We need to start a new post, Lets talk about the 1'st game, East Jess. What will be the score???

Anonymous said...

east jess.has a real good running back but the jv. team beat them last year 19-8 good game we will have to play good ball to win but they can do it play hard and never quit we will be alright have to play all 4 quarters no let downs this year lots of wins

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If I am not mistake this site is for Lincoln Sports NOT to correct people on their spelling so if you aren't here to comment on the sports then you need to leave everyone alone thank you! I for one think your comments should have been deleted because they had nothing to do with LC sports what so ever!!!

50 days until Death Valley! I can't wait! GO PATS!!!!!