Sunday, February 10, 2008
Lincoln County Patriots extend record to 18-4
The Patriot basketball team has gone 4-0 over the last 4 games against Danville, Wayne, Monticello, and Mercer. Lincoln now sits at 13-1 in the region, with the only loss to McCreary. McCreary lost last week to Rockcastle, who Lincoln plays this Friday in Lincoln County Lightning Arena. This has been a great year, and I hope it only continues as we look to invade Rupp for the second straight year. Ryan Young has already eclipsed 1000 career points this season and Noah Keeton and Daniel Ralston aren't far behind. It is really something to have three guys make this milestone in the same year. I understand that the school board has approved plans to turn the ridge behind Death Valley into a Mount Rushmore type of memorial to Young, Keeton, and Ralston.
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The new basketball power ratings in the Herald Leader have LC checking in at 23 in the state this week, and first in the 12 region.
The Lady Pats are ranked third in the region.
Here is the link:
keep it rolling and make sure we keep Jackson as coach. because all of this great basketball can be a thing of the past if we lose a good HS coach. Remember steve simpson. wasted lots of talent with him.
Yes the coach is good but you have to have talent and our 3 seniors have talent
ive heard boyle is looking at him
lets save the "ridge" for the kids who play football 4 years, endure the july heat, 3-a day practices, and know they want to play before the season starts, the kids who are at every practice and stand the sidelines and know they will never get in a game!!!!!!!!
Obviously I know your joking, but it wouldn't surprise me to see them waste money on such.
It's called sarcasm people....
But, if they were to construct such a ridge, why not include these three athletes. They have been the main cog of two of the most successful back-to-back basketball seasons since the construction of the school in the 70's.
People around the county don't appreciate how good the team has been, as far as LC basketball goes. And they have done it without a true center, or any height for that matter.
Jackson has done a fine job, and gets no love. People can say all they want. The 12th region sucks, the team was good in middle school, etc.
Bottom line is they are doing work. 18-4 with a target on your back (defending region champ) is the real deal. Only ONE loss in the region.
they are good players and have a good team there is no denying that, but they are winning in a region that is the worst in the state, but once again they are by far the best. But you can't include just them, they wouldn't be where they are last year without Miller and that is for sure, and they wouldn't be where they are now without Spurlin. I'm not taking anything away from them, what they have accomplished is truley admirable, i mean 3 possible 1000 point players in the same class, not many places can say that.
No doubt...
Miller, Overstreet, Calhoun all were big contributers last year.
Edgington, Tre, Spurlin and Gilbert are all big contributers this year.
Heck, I think Spurlin might be the most important player on the team.
That is exactly my point, three 1000 pt scorers.
I don't think the 12th is the worse this year.
I would argue the 14th, 13th and
8th are worse. The 8th being the single worse. Which, ironically is the draw the 12th got in the first round of the sweet 16
People listen, I am not taking anything away from the rest of the team. I want to know who else in this area has had 3 players in the same year reach 1000 career points. It is a huge milestone for 1 player, much less 3.
Also, I know what it's like to suffer through 3 a days and sit on the sideline because I sucked when I I know exactly how those individuals feel. That's why I'm not asking for a marker with my big loser head up there.
Let's just focus on winning a state championship, where everyone gets a ring. The best players will always get the accolades but everyone knows it takes a TEAM. Every team has ROLE players, some are content sitting on the bench and contributing however the coach needs. Just being a part of a winning team, no matter the role, still matters to most.
good, cuz it's not like they are even the best 3 players to play at lincoln...period
everyone is forgetting that we are not only beating the teams in our region. seen Madison Central ranking lately. Top 15 in the state and we demolished them. we have beaten and played with some of the better teams in the state. Lets give credit where it is due.
I watched for two years while Steve Simpson ruined some of the best classes of Bball players we had in a while. Want proof, look in the trophy case and see that the 1997 seniors won the 12th region frosh tourney in 1994. that group of seniors only lost 5 or 6 (total in 2 years) games as frosh and sophs(JV). Simpson lost more than that with them each month he was here.
I am very proud of what this team has accomplished the last two years. I will not put them down that they are only beating second rate teams. I am tired of the negative attitude that seems to drive some of the people who get on here. Go cheer for someone else if you dont like our programs. Criticism is ok, but make it constructive criticism.
just to comment on your 94 freshman winning the region thats because the best freshman play varsity not 12th region freshman level. Simpson wasn't very good though. To add i haven't made any negative comments about this team so it isn't me.
I dont know about a monument for these three kids, but from knowing each one of them for quite some time I'd like to say a few things... i am very glad Coach Jackson made the decision to let these 3 seniors play at a very young age on the varsity level (it has paid off quite well)...These three kids are probably not the most talented kids that have ever came through LC, but one thing cannot be questioned about them...they have been three of the biggest winners at our school..Thank you Ryan, Dan, and Noah for all you have done for our community and doing it while alot of NAYSAYERS said you couldn't.
I'd also like to throw in something else on the subject..Although Steve Simpson made quite a few mistakes as the head coach of LC...He had alot to do with the development of these 3 seniors as a coach with the lightning, so he helped to develop our hopeful Back to Back 12th region champs!!! Go Pats
^^Great post^^ I know there have been better players to come out of Lincoln. Heck, Keith Withrow could walk into the gym smoking red marlboros right now and still beat these guys one on one, but that's not the point.
The point is (as stated above) these guys are winners. period. I will bet you that they will be winners later on in the game of life. I remember these guys playing as the "Lincoln County Lightning" and I knew at that moment this group was going to accomplish great things. I was only joking of course when I talked about the shrine, but in my opinion these guys do stand at the top of the game.
I agree that Withrow was a good ball player but we are not talking about his talent. He never led his team to the state tournament like Ryan, Noah, and Daniel did and in my opinion that is what our community needs.
I don't think it's fair to compare the success of 3 great players with great coaching to 1 great player with terrible coaching.
There is no comparison...someone earlier said they weren't even the three best players and I simply made a point about Withrow. Where they rank as the best players ever at Lincoln is not my point, my point is to have 3 players accomplish what they have in the same year is impressive.
They are great guys on top of their talent and I commend them for that as much as I do their basketball skills. I could school them on the hardwood any day, but they are better men than me off the court!!! Just joking, please don't talk about my skills because my headstone couldn't even make it on a hillside at the county lake.
as for the 94 frosh team, the best players then played on frosh teams for the tournament. Dennis johnson played for H-burg, which got beat by S Laurel in semis. Lincoln beat Laurel in finals. I watched. Steve simpson wasted those kids. these kids would have never won a district with him as coach. He was horrible, and treated kids bad as well.
Great that Noah, Ryan, and Daniel have great coach, and great parents. They represent us well, and they deserve any accolades they get.
Also, give Ryan some props for great athlete. Look at what he has done in Fball and Bball and Baseball. He excels at all of them. if not a great athlete, he must be the hardest working kid to ever walk the halls of LC
Steve Simpson was bad. Lets not forget that Whitis had 8 seniors on his varsity when the 97 class was sophs. If you have 8 seniors on a team you better win the region. if not you wasted a year. the 97 class never got to play until they were juniors, and then for 2 years Simpson beat them up and tried to elevate frosh players over them. He lost alot due to his ignorance and arrogance.
one more thing on this, Alan Feldhaus Jr. (now at Madison Cent) wanted to come to Lincoln before Simpson, and we turned him down.
thing about simpson though, didn't he take south oldham to state like two years after he left lincoln??? I dont know but for some reason I think they went and that is in a region near louisville schools.
No he hasn't taken them to state while he has been there, but hes had several good teams..and i dont believe hes had a losing season at SO.
i wouldnt exactly say that individually these 3 are the most talented players thats came through Lincoln County. But i guarantee that if you could take any 3 players from past or present and Ryan, Noah, and Daniel would win every game 3 on 3.
I will take Tommy Owsley,Robert Johnson, and Keith Withrow any day of the week in that 3 on 3 game.
Me, Brad Smith, and Eric Ralston will take those three on right now. We own them in that gym and they know it!!!!!!We have smashed them in there before and can do it again. Just nobody invite refs, Ralston likes to show dominance over the young bucks!!!And I'm only good for 5 hard fouls!!!!
Seriously, they are great guys with great coaching who can make a big run in the tournament. I wish them well and continued success.
clint Mcquery, Keith Withrow, Brian Miller = no chance for these other three
Eric Ralston?, he's just gonna shoot everytime and miss.
Ouch, Erock, they are killing you on here. Don't worry, I know you can play. Nobody rebounds like he does at his size. He earns his shots.
these three are winners, PERIOD. maybe we could do an unforgettables theme and retire their jerseys in the rafters. put Paul Young and Steve Ralston up there and some of the old Highland State Tourney players. Paul and Steve because they were kind enough to give us sons better than they were.
Eric Ralston is better than Mark Coury. No doubt about it.
Does that mean that Joey Mullins is better than Patrick Patterson. Didnt he start in front of Ralston?
No, Mullins & Ralston played together
No it means Joey Mullins is better than Mark Coury too.
I am better than all yall fools
if you hang out at the white barn I highly doubt it...You are so hard too...Lincoln County is such the ghetto..I bet you run hard on a daily are a joke white barn
hang out at da white barn?? what?? I am da WHITE BARN. I already told ya, i ain't from Lincoln. Never been there
just know yah is weak
then why are you on here??? Good job at ITT Tech..they apparently do not have grammar as a subject there. You are wasting everyones time here..go try to be pretty fly for a white guy somewhere else.
yall might have a decent record...but yall beat a bunch of bustas
Yeah white barn and you beat yourself.
But Ralston never really played with Joey Mullins as much as he was his backup. check the stats. I know I was at every game back then.
This was before i realized that we had top notch entertainment at the White Barn.
Go out and play with Ralston now and see about him. Ask Brian Miller who he would take all day long on his team.
I will skool all you fools, stanford ain't got no ballerz
I know who the zodiac is.
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