Wednesday, October 17, 2007

VOTE for this game on WTVQ channel 36

The game this Friday is a finalist for the channel 36 Gridiron Blitz game of the week. Click on the link below and vote for the game.

Vote as much as you can.


Anonymous said...

I've got 4 computers at work....I'll vote on each on the hour.....

hazmit said...

You can vote every hour so log back on and vote early and often, poll closes at 5:00pm. Don't let us get beat by stinking Harrison Co. vs. Franklin Co. Tell everybody. Go Pats.

Anonymous said...

we are voting the h--l out of it where i work

Anonymous said...

Looks like we've got the lead.....keep voting!!!!!!!!!
This will make for an even BETTER atmosphere in Death Valley !!!!!
GO LINCOLN !!!!!!!!!!!

hazmit said...

We won the voting for the game of the week!!! Congrats Pats and thanks to all who voted. Let's pack the house and be extra rowdy to make it an awesome experience in Death Valley for channel 36. Good luck Patriots.