Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Lincoln vs. Mercer predictions

Let's go Patriot fans, make your predictions for the Lincoln vs. Mercer game. Every week we are going to be giving a Patriot Sports Talk t-shirt away to the person who guesses the correct score of the game.


BS said...

Hate to say it

27-14 Mercer

Hope I am wrong, LC's offense has to improve dramatically for me to be wrong.

hazmit said...

BB you suck, too bad Mercer doesn't have a blog so you could go suck up to Marty. Anyway, I'm going with my boys...Lincoln 21 Mercer 14.

kitchenutensil said...

I've gotta go with BB. Hope I'm wrong, but you can't have too many Patriot Sports t-shirts.....
Mercer 21
Lincoln 7

BIG PAPA said...

I'm staying off the BB bandwagon!!!,and going with the boy's to win this one friday.Come on people, show some loyalty.

Anonymous said...

Thursday, September 6, 2007
O yee of lil' faith!!
Hate to admit it boys...but we don't match up to the TITANS. I want that T-shirt,

Mercer 45, Lincoln 14

Posted by Mud-Turtle at 2:13 PM

runriot said...

A Freakin t-shirt will make you jump on the Marty bandwagon. I would not pick Mercer if you were giving away a car. If Lincoln were playing UL iwould still go with the hometown.

Lincoln gets passing game in high gear, shuts down run (Bardstown sound familiar) and pulls the upset on Mercer-burg 27-24.

And if mercer does pull it off maybe we could buy the winning t-shirt at Aggie Sales.

hazmit said...

I forgot to mention if you pick Mercer to win the free t-shirt will say "I want to dry hump Marty".

waterboy said...

Pats overcome hometown cookin' and Marty's big mouth on the sideline. 21-20.

Another prediction, the 1 point district loss and 300+ weight spurs a Marty sideline cardiac issue...meatwagon to the rescue.

Go Pats!

Anonymous said...

flea flicker predicts...

Mercer 34

Lincoln 12

Anonymous said...

Not humping Marty. Not going to do it.
Lincoln - 20
Mercer - 18

Mud-Turtle said...

I want to change my prediction to Lincoln 12 Mercer 7....Hale yeah!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see BB and Kitchenutensil fighting over Martys used towel after the game. Bet they are so used to the smell of Marty sweat that they cant sleep without it.

hazmit said...

I didn't see that...but I did hear BB offering Josh Jaggers a full body message while wearing his sweaty towel like a diaper...and I saw KitchenUtensil giving Marty Jaggers a rectum exam hoping to ease the pain of his already bleeding ulcers.

hazmit said...

By the way, did anyone notice who was closest to the score on their predictions? Whoa, I believe it was hazmit, what an administrator.

Anonymous said...

Great job hazmit. you know what they say, "those that cant, administrate". You know, with an ego like yours you could qualify for Marty's little boy. Get you some of the towel?

hazmit said...

I have always been short in a lot of areas,but never ego!!! We can go right now baby. I am so pumped from this win, I would strap it on right now, and I'll go against Marty's entire family tree.
On another note, I think we should all wear towels in honor of Marty's defeat at the re-match.

BS said...

I throw the towel at the title town sign when I got back to the Boyle County line, I don't know who has it now.