Thursday, August 23, 2007

Back on the Air

Oh how times have changed.

The last time the Lincoln County football games were broadcast, the internet was a fictional thing most Lincoln Countians had only heard about on the evening news.

Well time has past, and technology has evolved. Lincoln County football will be able to be heard via internet broadcasting, starting this Friday night.

The idea for the broadcast was brought about by Jon Smith. A Chicago native, who grew up in Stanford. Smith was the play-by-play voice of the Patriots for many years. Actually traveling from Chicago to Stanford to broadcast the events. The games were broadcast on WRSL FM until the station shut down a few years ago.

There has been interest in finding a venue to get the games back onto the radio, and right now the internet seems to be the best option. The game is also accessible by radio, in the stadium and parking areas. The frequency will be made available to those interested at the game.

The greatest thing about the broadcast is it will directly benefit the program. Advertisements are being sold for the broadcast, with the profit going to the football boosters.
Tim Estes and Kevin Bandura will make up the broadcasting crew.

Personally, I am lobbying for the resurrection of fans in the stands. A long time favorite pregame segment of mine.


Anonymous said...

Lincoln WHO!!

Anonymous said...

So this is what you two do all day...the truth emerges.

Jon Logan said...

Just to clarify.....

WRSL-FM did not shut down. I changed the call sign to WXKY-FM and sold the station to an out-of-state network that is still pumping out Contemporary Christian music.

After greatly improving the transmission facilities and increasing the signal reach in 1995, the station became too valuable to target only Lincoln County and surrounding area.

The last full season that we broadcast was in 2001. I did broadcast the Death Valley Bowl in 2002 on the internet but very few people had any interest in listening at that time.

By next season, if not sooner, the Patriots will be back on regular FM radio.

I was born and raised in Lincoln County and played football there from 1979-1982. I am the self-appointed keeper of Lincoln County records and results. If you need to know anything let me know.